
Posts Tagged ‘quilting’

There just something about spring that makes me want to make things. I want to sew. I want to knit. I want to make a thousand loaves of bread. I want to pickle things, plant herbs and sew little dresses for LJ. I am the next Martha Stewart, hear me embroider. I mean, look at my kick-ass crafty library!

Dreamy, isn’t it? Yeah, I’ve used 4 of them. The rest have been dog-eared for over a year. I think about making things, but then get so overwhelmed by all the awesomeness that I end up making nothing. I’m like a scatterbrained, A.D.D., impatient Ma Ingalls. I’m not pickling shit… but I’ve got the jars! My husband is not wearing sweaters knit by these hands… but I’ve got a nice collection of bamboo needles!

Truth be told: LJ did have a few cute pillowcase dresses last year, and I did sew her some felt food for her kitchen and a few plushies. I also cut up a bunch of her newborn onsies and made her a tiny quilt a year ago:

Since she deemed her big kid comforter from Ikea to be “too squishy”, this is actually what she snuggles with every night in her toddler bed. I woke up this morning, well-rested and invigorated by the warm weather and last night’s thunderstorms, and decided it was time for a new quilt. Tearing into my gargantuan craft box proved to be quite the buzz kill, though, because I was confronted with all my A.D.D-ness. Like this:

That would be a stack of fabric being pieced together for the king-sized quilt I started last year at around the same time. Pfffft. Clearly I lost focus. I know! I’ll keep it out. Maybe if I just let it sit on the dining room table for a few weeks, making my husband completely insane, I’ll be inspired to finish it! I won’t forget about it. I might be served divorce papers, but at least I’ll have a huge quilt. Then there’s this:

This is the scarf that I’ve been working on FOR A YEAR. After taking a local knitting class last March, I became convinced that by winter LJ would be wearing ONLY sweaters I had knit by hand. There would be no need to shop. I’d even knit everyone socks. This is the ONLY thing I’ve made. It’s not that I don’t enjoy knitting, I do! The whole knit knit purl purl repetition is super soothing, and sates my O.C.D. crazies… but knitting a scarf?  It’s SO f*cking BOOORRIIING. I should have started with a hat, or a baby mitten: something more instantly gratifying. This unfinished project will join the stack of quilt fabric on the dining room table. Again, if it’s in my face, I’ll finish it. (Shh! I will!)

Really though, maybe it’s not me. Maybe, just maybe I COULD be a pickling, crocheting, toy designing seamstress** if I didn’t have these two snooges in my face all the time:

Yep. It’s totally THEIR fault.

**(By the way, I can’t even THINK of the word seamstress without thinking of Rose’s beady-eyed mother in Titanic saying, “Do you want to see me working as a seamstress?… To see all your fine things sold at auction?”)

***(Hey, I did say I was a little scatterbrained…)

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